Showing 51 - 75 of 711 Results
Insuficiencia renal y ejercicio fsico: Influencia de un programa de ejercicio fsico adaptado... by Juan David Castaño Cardona,... ISBN: 9783659026249 List Price: $48.00
Estimacin de modelos de difusin con saltos: Saltos asimtricos y optimizacin evolutiva (Spani... by Juan David Ospina Arango, N... ISBN: 9783659021701 List Price: $48.00
Factor de Erosividad de la Lluvia en Colombi by P�rez Arango, Juan David ISBN: 9783847366218 List Price: $51.00
Diing by Atuesta Reyes, Juan David ISBN: 9783848469123 List Price: $78.00
Dinmica Electromagntica en Medios Quirales Inhomogeneos: Modelo estocstico en base a proceso... by David Méndez Amaro, Juan Ad... ISBN: 9783659075025 List Price: $46.00
Innovacin en el Transporte Vertical de Personas: Simulacin Dinmica de Escaleras Mecnicas, Cr... by Juan David Cano Moreno ISBN: 9783639553239 List Price: $158.00
Theoretical and computational methods for three-body processes . by Juan David Blandon Zapata ISBN: 9781243669766 List Price: $69.00
De la Morbilidad a la Perdurabilidad Empresarial by Lorduy Cendales, Juan David... ISBN: 9783847359753 List Price: $51.00
Redes Neuronales Artificiales en la Predicci�n de Inundaciones by C�spedes R. Juan David, Mor... ISBN: 9783659056567 List Price: $50.00
Inmunofisiopatogenia de Las Micosis by Ram�rez Gonz�lez, Juan David ISBN: 9783846574065 List Price: $39.00
Productividad Del Sector Ganadero Bovino en Colombi by Rueda De Vivero, Rodrigo, G... ISBN: 9783847360209 List Price: $51.00
Econometr�a B�sica con Stata 9. 0,Stata 10. 0, Eviews 5. 0, Ssps 11. 0 by Escalante Cortina, Rafael D... ISBN: 9783845481838 List Price: $40.00
War of the Gods by Justine E. Borrego, Marco A... ISBN: 9781910053386 List Price: $11.99
La Argentina En Los Mundiales: Uruguay 1930, Corea-Japon 2002 (Spanish Edition) by Daniel Arcucci, David Baigu... ISBN: 9789500286718 List Price: $29.40
Valdez (Juan Isidro) v. Black (Joe) U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting ... by PAUL A PHILLIPS, DAVID L NO... ISBN: 9781270521525 List Price: $30.99
Geometry and Representation Theory of Real and P-Adic Groups by Tirao, Juan, Vogan, David A... ISBN: 9783764339319
Essential Forensic Neuropathology by Troncoso, Juan C., Rubio, A... ISBN: 9780781778695 List Price: $184.00
Color Atlas of Burn Care by Saunders, W. B. Publishing ... ISBN: 9780702025082 List Price: $175.00
Cancer Bioinformatics by Xu, Ying, Cui, Juan, Puett,... ISBN: 9781493913800 List Price: $159.00
Images of the San Juans - Historic Selections from the Ruth and Marvin Gregory Photograph Co... by P. David Smith, Marvin Greg... ISBN: 9781890437121 List Price: $39.95
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